Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Detoxing is NOT for Wimps

It's been a while since I've blogged. A year and a half to be exact. Shortly after my last blog I completed my detox. What detox you may ask? Well, it was a crazy 2 1/2 months of ridding my body of all the impurities and toxins that have built up over the past 15 years of my life. A life of eating pretty much nothing but bean and cheese red burritos with secret sauce and sausage biscuits with cheese. Not to mention daily alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and hazy drug filled weekends. My lifestyle caught up with me and my body said no more. I listened to what my body was saying and decided that it was time to return it to it's natural state. After weeks of researching I came across a website, . The website scared the shit out of me, to say the least! I prepared myself, family and pantry for this little venture we'd be on. The first two weeks were the worst. Nightmares. Insomnia. I was literally scared to fall asleep. That was the worst of it and as time went on things got better. I had a clearer head and my ailments soon disappeared. I was happy and empowered. I lost a total of 25 pounds and was down to 115 pds. For obvious reasons I stopped there.

Today I still live and eat by the principles of that diet and I have maintained my weight by eating the foods and drinks I want when I'm on vacation or at a special occasion and by following the diet closely the rest of the time. To break it down, it's basically a yeast free, sugar free, fermented free, caffeine free, gluten free (most of the time) and additive free diet. Fresh, whole, natural foods. Food has seriously never tasted so good! I follow a less restricted diet now that includes potatoes, whole grain flours, yeast-free tortillas and corn. I was off the wagon for the summer but now I'm back on thanks to Brian. He swore off drinking for a month and is on his 16th day. Im so proud of him, he inspires me everyday! So I thought this would be a perfect time to strengthen the good ol' immune system right around flu season.

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